====== The Train Home From Con ====== (Note: This song was actually partially written as a group thing on the way back from Norwescon after a filk circle!) Taking the train home from con It’s shaking me all the way home from con and it’s rocking and rolling and pitching and groaning and taking us home from the con Why do we do this year after year ten hours on your feet after three hours sleep and you stand in long lines to get your books signed and the price just goes up every time But it’s more than the shows and the books and the games it’s the stories we’ve told and the songs that we’ve sang it’s the times that we shared and the memories we made and the friends that we met along the way Chorus You’ve worked on your costume for weeks months or years and to find the last piece almost brought you to tears Even if it’s not perfect you gave it your best So keep that in mind when you look at the rest Chorus These are our stories these are our songs these are the places we feel we belong so put on your costume stand in that line If you’ve been here forever or if it’s your very first time Chorus