
OpenClipArt is back!

As you might know, some unknown DDoS attack or something took down openclipart, which was a hassle for every armchair graphic designer out there.

But now has most of the old totally public content available as a zip file! 150k free public domain images for all!

However, it's a little excessive. There's tons of stuff that was just conversions of photos, compressed in a sub-optimal way for the content.

So I have preprocessed it to be under 17GB, by compressing excessively large files as rasters, and published it as a bittorent. OpenClipArt is back!!!!

#^[url=]FreeSVG on Twitter[/url]

Original full collection:


[quote]“Here is whole Openclipart collection, 157k svg images, 23 GB zip file, free for everyone to download and use. #^[url=][/url] #[zrl=]freesvg[/zrl] #[zrl=]publicdomain[/zrl] #[zrl=]openclipart[/zrl] #[zrl=]ocal[/zrl] #[zrl=]freeclipart”[/zrl][/quote]

articles/openclipart_is_back.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/20 03:05 (external edit)